Our Approach

Our Approach to Corporate Responsibility

Corporate responsibility has been part of the fabric of who we are from day one, and we strive to continue to develop and implement meaningful practices to help mitigate our impact on the world. Our efforts are anchored by our Company’s mission to deliver great value to our customers every day. For more than 45 years that mission has remained steadfast, and so has our commitment to acting as a responsible corporate citizen. Our focus on value drives the many corporate responsibility programs and initiatives we have launched over the years, including those aimed at supporting Associates, giving back to the communities in which we operate, mitigating our impact on the environment, and operating our business with integrity.

TJX takes a global approach to corporate responsibility, setting global priorities with regional programs and initiatives that support the broader organization. We generally focus our efforts where we believe we can have a meaningful impact and pursue strategies that are feasible for our off-price business model and flexible, opportunistic buying strategy. Our corporate responsibility reporting is organized under four key pillars: workplace, communities, environmental sustainability, and responsible sourcing.

We believe it is important to consider feedback on both our corporate responsibility programs and disclosures from our many stakeholders, including Associates, customers, shareholders, and others. Insights from this feedback are carefully considered and weighed against the varied perspectives of our stakeholders and against what is feasible within our off-price business model.

We think of our corporate responsibility programs as ever evolving and are proud of the progress we’ve made. We continue to look for opportunities to further enhance our programs and disclosures in this area.

Management & Oversight

As part of its oversight role, our Board reviews certain corporate responsibility matters directly and through its Committees. In Fiscal 2024, the Board had sessions with management to receive updates on certain of our corporate responsibility efforts, including in the areas of environmental sustainability, inclusion and diversity, social compliance, and human capital management.

In addition, as part of its ongoing risk oversight, the Board reviews findings from TJX’s annual Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program, a global process for considering a broad range of risks to the business and managed by our Senior Vice President, Chief Risk and Compliance Officer (CRO). This process takes into account internal global operational feedback and identifies trends and concerns. Risks are evaluated in light of their probability and severity and are presented to the Board in that context.

As with other risks assessed as part of the ERM program, should a risk related to corporate responsibility matters be identified through the ERM program, the CRO would then determine, in concert with other members of management as applicable, how the risks associated with corporate responsibility matters would be appropriately presented to the Board.

A Senior Executive Vice President Group President (SEVP) has strategic oversight of TJX’s Global Corporate Responsibility programs and chairs a committee of senior leaders representing, among others, Corporate Finance, Operations, and Human Resources. Other cross-functional committees throughout the organization are responsible for collaboration, strategy, and execution against corporate responsibility initiatives. These committees have senior leadership representation from functions including Environmental Sustainability, Corporate Finance, Operations, Human Resources, Global Social Compliance, Inclusion and Diversity, and more. The SEVP and some functional leaders provide regular updates on this work to other members of management and the board.

Further, leaders across the business have oversight of corporate responsibility efforts that fall within their functions. The CRO oversees many of the efforts within our environmental sustainability and responsible sourcing pillars, in partnership with the Vice President of Sustainability and Assistant Vice President of Global Social Compliance. Similarly, the Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer oversees many of the efforts within our workplace and communities pillars, including inclusion and diversity, in conjunction with leaders responsible for these areas. Regional leaders are responsible for driving programs as appropriate for the region’s business in support of TJX’s broader, global corporate responsibility programs.

Lastly, to support program evolution and execution, in addition to driving collaboration across regions and business functions, we have working teams and committees, such as the Global Social Compliance Committee, the Global Environmental Sustainability Steering Committee, and the Global Carbon and Energy Management Group. These committees bring together subject matter experts from across the globe and across different functions to collaborate, monitor key issues and trends, review strategies and best practices, and help guide the strategy and execution of various programs.

Stakeholder Engagement

We strongly believe that for our policies and practices to be effective, they must evolve and be informed by the perspectives of our many global stakeholders, including our Associates, customers, shareholders, and others. We view engaging with these various stakeholders, in addition to industry associations and partners, as an opportunity to hear insights and learn. We take into account a variety of perspectives, as well as our off-price business model and opportunistic buying strategies, as we consider the evolution of our programs and reporting.

Engaging With Our Associates

We believe Associate engagement, relationship building, and our open door philosophy are some of the factors that are key to maintaining our culture, whether in our stores, distribution centers, or offices around the world. We want our Associates to be informed about our businesses and encouraged to learn and grow through both formal and informal interactions. We believe these efforts help strengthen our inclusive culture so Associates feel welcome, valued, and engaged.

We communicate and engage with our Associates through a number of forums, including Town Hall meetings, State of the Company meetings, and CEO updates. Additionally, we publish The Thread, our global intranet, and The Loop, a weekly e-newsletter, which disseminate announcements and facilitate information and policy sharing; TJX geographic-specific publications, such as TJXtra in Europe; and weekly bulletins in various regions around the globe. We also continue to use Yammer, a social media tool, to foster relationship building.

In our stores, we share important Company information with and receive feedback from our Associates through team huddles. Our in-store bulletin boards are another important tool in sharing Company information and also feature store news, like volunteer events, fundraising successes, new processes, and more. We also have programs for Associates to share ideas, including thoughts on how to further improve the customer experience, as well as several in-store programs designed to motivate and reward our Associates, stores, and districts.

We also strive to engage with our Associates on corporate responsibility initiatives and efforts.

To help foster engagement with our environmental sustainability strategy and programs, teams throughout our business have come together to collaborate. For example, our Green IT committee is focused on managing and leveraging technology to reduce the TJX Global IT team’s environmental footprint.

Additionally, Associates can get involved with the Company’s community relations work. Associates in the U.S., Canada, and Europe can nominate organizations within their communities for the opportunity to receive a grant from one of the Company’s foundations. Over the years, donations have been made to a variety of organizations, including children’s hospices, mental health charities, children’s cancer care centers, foodbanks, and homeless services. We are very proud to have Associates around the world who volunteer their time and who are committed to doing good in their communities.

Engaging With Our Customers

Our customers are very important to us, and engaging with them allows us to better understand and address their changing preferences, tastes, interests, and concerns. One way we learn about our customers is by asking them to rate their experience using online customer satisfaction surveys. Based on what we hear from our customers, we regularly provide Store Operations management with feedback regarding store performance so they may identify opportunities and address issues quickly—and with the intent of ultimately improving the in-store experience. This input also allows us to develop clear customer experience training for store managers, team leaders, and Associates. The data has also helped drive broad improvements across many of our retail chains, including redesigning floor plans, creating small “shops,” and changing lighting to better highlight products. We have carefully tested each initiative for how it can drive excitement about our retail chains and products and continue to help deliver the experience we know our customers love and have come to expect.

Additionally, each retail chain has a website that highlights important information, such as seasonal offerings, store locations, and contact information for Customer Service groups, and for some of our retail chains, the ability to shop online. Our chains also leverage a variety of different surveys, qualitative research, and social media channels for customer engagement and feedback on brand and shopping experiences. Our engagement efforts are in place so that we can continue with our mission to deliver great value to our customers every day.


Engaging With Our Shareholders

In addition to our public disclosures and corporate responsibility reporting, we communicate throughout the year with shareholders on corporate responsibility matters through various means, including meetings, conferences, phone calls, written, and electronic correspondence. Our Board of Directors is regularly updated on these engagement efforts.

Shareholder engagement has informed a number of enhancements to our corporate responsibility initiatives, practices, and disclosure over the years, including:

  • Setting our latest global environmental sustainability goals, focused on climate and energy, waste management, and product packaging
  • Enhancing disclosures related to human capital management, including the publication of our EEO-1 report
  • Mapping our corporate responsibility programs to SASB’s Multiline and Specialty Retailers & Distributors standard
  • Enhancing our Global Social Compliance Program, including by making updates to our Vendor Code of Conduct and expanding disclosures about our program, including provisions related to forced labor

Engaging with External Organizations

We believe that developing partnerships with various organizations and industry groups can help educate us, guide and benchmark our programs, and strengthen our initiatives across our corporate responsibility focus areas.

We are affiliated with, or members of committees of, a number of organizations focused on environmental protection and sustainability, including: American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) Environmental Committee; British Retail Consortium Climate Action Roadmap; EPA’s SmartWay Transport Partnership; Green Chemistry and Commerce Council (GC3); Retail Council of Canada’s Stewardship, Plastics, and ESG & Climate Action Committees; Retail Industry Leadership Association’s (RILA) Sustainability Committee and Zero-Waste Committee; Sustainable Packaging Coalition; Textile Exchange; and The Microfibre Consortium.

To help support us in our Global Social Compliance efforts, we collaborate with various industry groups such as the joint AAFA/NRF/RILA/USFIA (United States Fashion Industry Association) Forced Labor Working Group, RILA’s Responsible Sourcing Committee, AAFA’s Social Responsibility Committee, and Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Responsible Labor Initiative.

We also are members of the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and the National Retail Federation (NRF).

About This Report

For close to 15 years, we have formally reported on our global corporate responsibility efforts. The data presented throughout this report denotes TJX’s Fiscal 2024, which ended February 3, 2024, unless otherwise noted. It also covers certain subsequent events and initiatives that occurred after the end of Fiscal 2024 and prior to publication, which we have endeavored to note as such. Our global corporate responsibility efforts—including, but not limited to, the priorities, initiatives, programs, and practices disclosed here—may not be considered material for U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission reporting purposes.

Data and information in this report is part of our voluntary corporate responsibility disclosure. As part of this, we include select voluntary reporting frameworks, such as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB, now part of the IFRS Foundation) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). In addition, we have completed the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire annually since 2010. The Reporting and Disclosures section of this website includes relevant data from our Global Corporate Responsibility Report, as well as an index for information that most closely aligns to a particular global reporting framework. However, these comparisons are not meant to imply TJX’s full alignment with any of these frameworks.

We think of our corporate responsibility reporting as ever evolving and continue to evaluate the changing landscape of reporting frameworks and consider what is appropriate for our off-price business and disclosures.

We also seek third-party verification with respect to certain emissions information reported in this report. More information can be found on the Climate and Energy page, or in our GHG Inventory index.

Updated October 2024